When does your pet need to get vaccinated?
- From 6 weeks – first vaccination
- From 10 weeks – receive a booster
- 1 and above – boost vaccinations every 1 – 3 years (It’s always best to check with your vet how often vaccinating is right for your dog)
- 6 – 8 weeks – first vaccination
- 10 – 12 weeks – booster vaccination
- 14 – 16 weeks – second vaccination
- 1 and above – booster vaccinations every 1 to 3 years (we can let you know what will be right for your pet)
Why do your pets need vaccinations?
Young animals need vaccinations to protect them against serious infectious diseases. Not all infectious diseases can be successfully treated or cured, and some cases are fatal.
Vaccinations produce antibodies after injection. Antibody production takes about two weeks to produce high enough levels of protection against disease. However, immunity wanes with time and so regular boosters are needed during an animal’s life.
Vaccination in dogs protects against:
- Canine Distemper
- Canine Hepatitis (Adenovirus)
- Canine Parvovirus
- Canine Cough (Parainfluenza virus and Bordetella Bronchiseptica) Vaccination in cats protects against:
- Feline Enteritis
- Feline Respiratory Disease (Rhinotracheitis and Calicivirus)
- Chlamydia
- Feline Leukaemia
- Feline AIDS
Is your pet due to for a vaccination? Book your pet’s vaccination
What is heartworm disease?
Heartworm disease is a potentially life-threatening condition for dogs and cats. It is caused by a worm that lives in the heart and the nearby blood vessels of the lungs. The immature forms of the heartworm are called larvae or microfilariae, and they circulate in the bloodstream causing lung disease, heart failure and other organ damage. Cats are more resistant to the infection than dogs but are still susceptible. 65% of dogs in Australia live in high heartworm expectancy area.
How could my pet contract heartworm disease?
The disease is spread when mosquitos bite infected dogs or cats, sucking up blood and the microfilariae, and then injecting them into other dogs or cats. Dogs and cats do not have to be in contact with other animals to develop heartworm.
How do you treat heartworm?
Preventative medication against heartworm disease starts from an early age. The medication may take the form of a once-a-year injection, tablets, meaty chews or spot-on products for dogs, or tablets or spot-on for cats. With heartworm disease, prevention is simpler and more affordable than treatment.
Signs of heartworm to look out for
- Initially, you may not see any symptoms
- A persistent cough
- Your pet seems more tired than usual after normal amounts of exercise
Concerned about your pet? Book a general check-up
What are intestinal worms
Common types of intestinal worms are roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms. Puppies and kittens may have intestinal worms at a young age, as the worms are passed on from their mother through the placenta before birth and through milk after birth.
What are the symptoms of intestinal worms?
If you notice small white-ish flecks in your pet’s faeces this is a sign of tapeworms and roundworms; however, other worms cannot be seen by the eye, so it is important to maintain a consistent worming routine.
How often should you worm your pet?
All dogs and cats require regular worming to control intestinal worms. It is very important to do so if there are children in contact with the pets, as humans can contract most of these worms.
Dogs & Cats
- 2-12 weeks old – every two weeks
- 12 weeks to 6 months – every month
- 6 months and above – every three months (check your products instructions)
Working dogs on farms must be wormed regularly, and access to sheep offal must be off-limits.
If your cat spends time outdoors or has fleas, make sure the medication also treats tapeworms as these may be transmitted by eating birds, mice, rabbits, lizards, frogs, snakes or by grooming themselves and swallowing fleas.
How do you treat worms?
Intestinal worms may be treated with good quality worming tablets, meaty chews, liquid, or spot-on products. A spot-on product is available for cats that also treats tapeworms and is very popular when dealing with cats that are hard to dose by mouth.
If you’re concerned your pet might have worms, it’s best to get them checked by a vet. Book an appointment
How do you control fleas?
Flea infestations can be controlled with monthly applications of quality spot-on products such as Advantage and Frontline Plus.
When should you treat your pet for fleas?
Puppies and kittens may be treated from weaning, or eight weeks of age, depending on the product. Treatment of the mother also treats the un-weaned puppies and kittens. All animals in contact should be treated at the same time.
Why do you need to maintain your treatment of fleas?
Fleas are parasites which live on the skin of companion animals. Young, old or sick animals are more at risk of infestation.
Control of fleas is necessary for several reasons: skin diseases, the transmission of infectious diseases, tapeworm infestation, anaemia from blood-sucking and flea bites and infectious diseases in people.
When should you consider sterilisation of your pets?
It is best performed at 4 – 5 months of age before she comes into season for the first time.
May be performed from 4 – 5 months
Why should you sterilise your pets?
Overpopulation of dogs and cats in Australia is a major problem that leads to crowded animal shelters and euthanasia of unwanted animals. Sterilisation greatly reduces over-population but also makes a better pet with fewer health concerns.
Other benefits of neutering include:
- reduced risk of mammary tumours (breast cancer)
- elimination of the risk of pyometra (infection of the uterus)
- reduced aggressive behaviour
- reduced ‘marking’ behaviour
- reduced risk of anal tumours
- reduced risk of perineal hernias
- reduced risk of prostate disease
What does the sterilisation of my pet involve?
Spaying of dogs and cats involves the surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus under general anaesthesia
Castration of dogs and cats involves day surgery where the testicles are removed under general anaesthesia.
Ready to have your pet sterilised? Book an appointment
How do you look after your pet’s teeth?
Treatment of dental conditions is the same as in humans. Regular check-ups are an essential and appropriate treatment, e.g. scaling and extractions are undertaken. After treatment, preventative measures such as brushing teeth, dental diets, or medications in drinking water may be helpful.
Why do you need to look after your pet’s teeth?
Animals suffer from similar dental disorders to humans. Periodontal disease is the most common cause of early tooth loss in dogs and cats. Many dogs and cats over the age of three years suffer from periodontal disease. If left untreated animals may suffer from considerable severe pain and may develop heart, liver and kidney disease.
Is it time for your pet’s regular dental check-up? Book your appointment
What are pet microchips?
Microchips are electronic chips, roughly the size of grains of rice, which are encoded with a number. These are simply, and permanently, implanted under the skin by a veterinarian or authorised implanter. The number is read with an electronic scanner. Lost or stolen animals are identified through these chips and owners are then contacted.
Do I need to get my dog microchipped?
Under the WA Dog Amendment Bill, in place from 1st November 2013, all new dogs are required to be microchipped for registration purposes. Registered dogs transferred to new owners after 1st November 2013 need to be microchipped before being sold or transferred. For dogs already owned, microchipping is compulsory from 1st November 2015.
Do I need to get my cat microchipped?
Under the WA Cat Act 2011, which took effect from 1st November 2013, all cats over six months of age must be microchipped, sterilised and registered with a relevant local government.
Looking to get your pet microchipped? Book your appointment
Do you need to groom your pet?
All pets, even short-coated breeds, benefit from, and enjoy, being regularly groomed. Regular brushing promotes a healthy coat and skin and can be started at an early age.
Long-haired breeds require frequent brushing or clipping of the coat to prevent the hair from matting up. Clipping with electric clippers may be started at four to five months of age and is best undertaken by a calm and experienced groomer. Bathing, plucking ears and trimming nails are also included in the service.
Bathing companion animals with mild soap-free shampoo is recommended once a month. Too frequent washing may lead to dry, itchy skin, which is caused by stripping their natural oils.
Does your pet look like it’s time for a groom? Book a grooming appointment